Organizing your Collections

Managing and curating your favorite images from various platforms just got a whole lot easier with SuccubusBot’s ImagePools feature. ImagePools allow you to create custom image collections for your Discord guild, providing a seamless way to organize, share, and engage with your community. Whether you want to gather posts from different image boards, direct images from popular platforms, or even share content across guilds, SuccubusBot’s ImagePools has you covered.

Getting Started

To create your first pool, use the command: sc!pool add or import existing URLs by using: sc!pool import and attaching a text file. You can even link public pools from other guilds using: sc!pool add_remote .

Key Features and Commands

Creating and Managing Pools

  • Adding Images: Use sc!pool add <pool_name> [url] to add ImageBoard post URLs or attachments to your pool.
  • Import/Export: Export your pool to a .txt file with sc!pool export <pool_name> and import pools from text files or merge them using sc!pool import <pool_name>.
  • Renaming and Deleting: Rename your pool with sc!pool rename <pool_name> <new_pool_name> and delete pools using sc!pool delete_pool <pool_name>.

Collaborative Features

  • Sharing Pools: Link another guild’s pool into your current pool list using sc!pool add_remote <guild_id> <pool_name> <alias>.
  • Suggestions and Engagement: Encourage community engagement by setting a suggestion channel with sc!pool set_suggestion_channel <#channel>. Users can suggest URLs to your guild’s Image Pool using sc!pool suggest <pool_name> <url>.
  • Visibility and Privacy: Adjust pool visibility with sc!pool set_private <pool_name> [private=True] and set descriptions for your pools using sc!pool set_description <pool_name> <description>.

Interactive Content

  • Random Posts: Spice up your server with random posts from your pool using sc![pool random|rand|r] <pool_name> [count=1].
  • Upload Channels: Organize uploads with specific channels using sc!pool set_upload_channel <pool_name> [channel] and unset them with sc!pool unset_upload_channel <pool_name>.

Enhancing Community Engagement

SuccubusBot’s ImagePools are not just about managing images; they’re about building communities around shared interests. Create a space where your members can contribute, explore, and enjoy content together. With a plethora of commands and collaborative features, ImagePools transform image management into a social experience, fostering connections within your Discord guild.