A Guide to Engaging with Our Chatbot

To ensure your interactions with our Chatbot are enjoyable, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide. Follow these simple tips to create vivid, exciting narratives while maintaining a safe environment for everyone involved.

Golden rule:

Actually do Roleplay just like how you would with a real person, do not send bad or indecipherable messages as the bot would most likely get confused along the lines.

1. Vivid Descriptions

When setting the scene, paint a detailed picture for the chatbot. The more vivid your description, the richer the roleplay experience becomes. For instance:

  • Instead of: “We’re in a forest.”
  • Try: “The dense, ancient forest surrounds us, the tall trees casting eerie shadows in the moonlight.”

2. Describing Items

If you want to introduce items, provide full details to enhance the story. For example:

  • Instead of: “I give her a necklace.”
  • Try: “I offer her a delicate silver necklace, adorned with a sapphire pendant that glimmers in the sunlight.”

3. Clear Positions and Actions

To prevent confusion, describe positions and actions accurately. Use asterisks, parentheses, or slashes to convey actions clearly:

  • Example:He gently pulls her closer, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

4. Context Reminders

Context reminders are useful especially in longer conversations. Feel free to remind the bot of the scenario or specific actions by referring to previous messages.

5. Respectful Communication

Remember, every interaction should be safe, consensual, and respectful. Treat the chatbot like you would a real person. If there are slip-ups or misunderstandings, kindly remind the chatbot of your intentions.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to create engaging and immersive scenarios with the bot… Happy roleplaying!